Snapdragon Bouquet
No matter what kind of bouquet you’re looking for to highlight the occasion, snapdragons are a distinctive bloom to layer into your bouquet. Snapdragons bouquet can be cultivated in soft or vivid hues of pink, red, orange, purple, yellow, white, and even multi-colored or speckled varieties. Their tall stalks of clustered flowers exude a sweet citrus scent that can pair just as easily with a bouquet of romantic roses and hydrangeas or incorporated into a wild bouquet of daisies and asters. Find your perfect snapdragon bouquets from our wide array of bouquets online. Integrate snapdragons into your wedding bouquet, send snapdragons to celebrate a birthday, say you’re sorry, or just to brighten up someone’s day! At FTD, we know that flowers can say it all!
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