Lily Flower

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You can choose a white lily bouquet to express modesty. A bouquet made up of lilies is mostly used to express great devotion and humility, making these one of the most popular flowers used in flower arrangement!



Lily Flower

Calla lilies happen to be the most exotic one of the whole lot. Needless to say, lilies are one of the most commonly desired flowers in the world. It comes in different shapes, sizes, and colours. If you want to show the passion you can go with a bouquet of orange lilies.

Lily Flower love full sun, and six hours or more is imperative. Lilies like to have their “head in the sun, feet in the shade.” To keep their roots cool, plant them with low-growing annuals, perennials, or grasses.

Don’t hesitate to cut your lilies for bouquets—but remove only 1/3 of the stem. Lilies use their foliage to replenish the bulbs for next year’s blooms. When cutting lilies, remove the anthers before bringing them indoors, as they can stain clothing and tablecloths.

After blooming, the flower stems can be cut back but leave the foliage until it browns and dies back to the ground completely. Bulbs gather energy for next year through the leaves.

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